Share your passion! We're looking for instructors for the following highly-requested topics: furniture refinishing, stained glass, ornamental welding, jewelry making, QuickBooks, astronomy, diesel engine repair, foreign languages, fiber arts, Excel, ethnic cooking, MahJong, contra-dancing, WordPress, web design, flower arranging. Contact us for more information.
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Entrepreneurship Certificate

with Conrad Brian Law, Mary Beth Izard and Kathy Nadiman

$495 More Info

Boost your chances of success for your new or small business and reduce your risks.  Get the latest on planning your business, brainstorming business ideas, and a checklist for going into business.  Then learn how to create a business plan, including assessing business feasibility and prepare the management and financial plans.  Then take home a step-by-step approach to attract and keep customers, with an emphasis on customer-driven marketing decisions and building a strong brand. At the end of this certificate, you will be able to identify the abilities required of successful entrepreneurs and how to acquire them, develop goals to help establish your business, develop an outline for your plan, and take home techniques to successfully manage and market your new business.

CEUs/ILUs: 4.8

Length (in hours): 48

Price in USD $495

Offered 4 times/year, call for dates.

Online registration unavailable
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ESOL – English for Multilingual Learners

with Rebecca Albright

Price not available More Info

Five Town CSD Adult Education welcomes all foreign-born people. Are you interested in improving your English skills? Learning English can help you:

  • Obtain a driver’s license
  • Communicate with your child’s school
  • Get a first job
  • Improve your living situation
  • Expand your job prospects

Let us work with you to help you meet your goals. These are FREE tutoring services. If you or a neighbor need assistance, please call our office or register here to inquire.

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Using your iPhone or iPad photo apps, this is a natural follow-up to the first course, but is a stand-alone course as well. The focus here is on editing images as well as knowing how to organize images and video on iPhones and iPads. Other areas of focus include using the "For You" section (ready-made slide shows), creating, using, and sharing albums, and search.

Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Female Pain Matters

with Carole Freeman

A woman’s guide to understanding and managing pain. In this course, you will learn how women experience pain differently from men. You will discover how your hormones, nervous system, breathing patterns, and other factors affect the way a woman’s body perceives and responds to pain. You will also explore some strategies to cope with pain and improve your well-being. This course is designed to be informative, engaging, and empowering for all women who want to understand their pain better.

You will receive a link and a code for this class after you have registered and paid.

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Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

with Food Addicts in Recovery

Price not available More Info
Do you struggle with food obsession, overeating, undereating, or purging? There is a solution. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is hosting free information sessions on the following dates: Tuesday, May 20; Monday, June 16; Tuesday, October 21; Monday, November 3. Meetings are from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Zoom. At these sessions you will hear more about the FA program and from people who have found a solution through the FA program. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. For more information and to receive the Zoom link, email: Call Sharon for more information: 207-250-7373.
Online registration unavailable
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Fundamentals of Statistics

with Peg Junge

Price not available More Info

This course (approximately 10 classes) is designed to prepare students for an introductory statistics course. College statistics is often difficult for students because the subject matter is unlike mathematics encountered in high school.  The goal of this class is to provide the necessary foundational concepts for success at the college level. We begin by reviewing basic decimal and percents skills. Subsequent topics include data collecting considerations, organizing data and representing it visually, comparing data in terms of range, mean, variance, and standard deviation, and basic probability topics. Instruction can be provided in-person or on Zoom.