Share your passion! We're looking for instructors for the following highly-requested topics: furniture refinishing, stained glass, ornamental welding, jewelry making, QuickBooks, astronomy, diesel engine repair, foreign languages, fiber arts, Excel, ethnic cooking, MahJong, contra-dancing, WordPress, web design, flower arranging. Contact us for more information.
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Upcycling Furniture

with Angie Jones


May 5th to June 9th, 2025

Do you have a piece of furniture that you want to keep but need to update? Are you wondering whether you should strip off the old finish, paint, or do a combination of both? This class will cover those options. You will need to bring a small piece of furniture that you would like to transform. Pieces must be brought home and back each week. Angie will cover the basics of how to turn that outdated piece into something fabulous! You will need to bring your freshly scrubbed piece and some elbow grease! We will discuss supplies depending on what you want to accomplish. Class skips 5/26.
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with Angie Jones


March 5th to 26th, 2025

This course will cover basic upholstering. Bring a chair seat, small bench, or footstool to recover. (Check for finds at Goodwill or the ReStore!) Pieces must be brought home and back each week. We will remove the old cushion, add new stuffing if necessary, cover the cushion with batting, then add the fabric of your choice. Materials fee is included in registration.
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Watercolor For Everyone

with Holly Smith


May 15th to June 12th, 2025

This class welcomes all levels of students wanting to experience watercolor painting. The weekly exercises are designed to build confidence through step-by-step instructions. Techniques such as wet on wet, dry brush, blotting, etc. are integrated into each watercolor painting. Color theory and mixing are covered along with how to create a successful composition. Many students have returned each year remarking how much they enjoy the class. They learn something new each time they attend. Come and enjoy meeting great people who love to paint and have fun! The supply list is available on our website or by calling the adult ed office.
Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Sewing: Perfecting a Pants Pattern

with Diana Falciani


May 6th to 27th, 2025

In this class you will perfect a standard pants pattern by cutting out and sewing a muslin sample, ensuring your proper fit, then noting any alterations on your paper pattern. Bring three yards of muslin and a pants sewing pattern in your size along with scissors, pins, thread, seam ripper, Universal sewing needles, scotch tape, fabric marking pins, and a writing pen.

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Sewing: Open Studio 06.05.25

with Sandy Clement


June 5th, 2025

Have a project you need to finish or need some help? This class is for you! Bring any sewing project and get hands-on help, or just use the time to join some fellow sewing friends. You may bring your sewing machine and favorite sewing notions if you wish. There are machines in the sewing room that may be used as well.
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Sewing: Open Studio 06.12.25

with Sandy Clement


June 12th, 2025

Have a project you need to finish or need some help? This class is for you! Bring any sewing project and get hands-on help, or just use the time to join some fellow sewing friends. You may bring your sewing machine and favorite sewing notions if you wish. There are machines in the sewing room that may be used as well.