Wills and Trusts Explained 06.04.25
with Jesse Bifulco, Esq.
June 4th, 2025
Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education
Maine Adult Education Program
with Jesse Bifulco, Esq.
June 4th, 2025
with Alice Bean Andrenyak
April 7th to 14th, 2025
with Deb Vendetti
May 6th to 27th, 2025
In this course we will be visiting what are arguably some of the best and most important art collections and exhibitions in Maine. Each week we will visit one of the following: Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick; Colby College Art Museum, Waterville; and Cove Street Arts and Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, Portland. There will be some self-touring, some tours with a docent or curatorial guides, and all trips will include a choice of curated lunch venues. This trip series ends with a follow-up presentation by students (with assignments given in advance) and group discussion time. Carpooling is encouraged. Our group will meet at Rose Hall, 22 Knowlton St., Camden, to start each trip and for the final presentation. There are no entry fees, but you will be responsible for your lunch.
with Alice Bean Andrenyak
April 15th, 2025
This three-hour course is for firearm owners and non-owners. You will learn what to do when you see an attack or if you are attacked and respond with force. You will learn how to contact the first responders, how prosecutors might view what you did, rules about concealed carry in the US and Maine, and various ways to protect yourself without using a firearm. Part 2 of a 2-part series but can be taken separately.
with Angie Jones
May 5th to June 9th, 2025
with Alice Bean Andrenyak
April 12th, 2025
This one-day, on-water workshop covers canoeing and SUP skills that everyone ought to know but doesn't. Learn how to transport canoes and SUPs properly; how to launch and recover; strokes for tandem and solo canoe paddling and SUPing. Learn rescues, especially after capsizing. You will go swimming, so you are required to wear a wetsuit or drysuit to participate. Limited suit rentals are available with advanced notice. You must bring: your own lunch; canoe; paddle; life jacket; and enthusiasm. SUPs will be provided. Limited canoe rentals are available with advanced notice.