Share your passion! We're looking for instructors for the following highly-requested topics: furniture refinishing, American Sign Language, ornamental welding, jewelry making, QuickBooks, astronomy, diesel engine repair, foreign languages, fiber arts, Excel, ethnic cooking, MahJong, contra-dancing, WordPress, web design, flower arranging. Contact us for more information.
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Wills and Trusts Explained 06.04.25

with Jesse Bifulco, Esq.


June 4th, 2025

Price not available More Info
This course shows the difference between a Will and a Trust and how each is used as a tool in an estate plan. It covers the basics of a Will, Power of Attorney, and Advanced Directive, as well as more complex topics such as trust use in Medicaid/MaineCare asset preservation, estate plans for blended families, and how to protect the inheritance of an adult child. Attendees will learn how estate planning techniques can be used to preserve assets and prevent family conflict. Taught with stories, this class shows attendees potential areas of loss in their own families.
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Women’s Only Defensive Pistol Fundamentals

with Alice Bean Andrenyak


April 7th to 14th, 2025

$125 More Info
Over two weeks, in a safe environment, you will learn the mindset and skills to protect yourself and others both with and without a firearm. You will learn or review the basics of handling a firearm and then about self defense. Learn the difference between accurate target shooting and defensive shooting. Practice will be inside the classroom using SIRT pistols (laser only shooting pistols) but you will be seriously challenged. Holsters and special clothing will be used. A $35 textbook is included. No firearms are to be brought to class. This course meets Concealed Carry Permit application requirements. A semi-private two-hour range lesson is arranged with the instructor at a separate cost and time.
Waiting list available
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Trips: The Best of Maine’s Museums and Galleries

with Deb Vendetti


May 6th to 27th, 2025

In this course we will be visiting what are arguably some of the best and most important art collections and exhibitions in Maine. Each week we will visit one of the following: Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick; Colby College Art Museum, Waterville; and Cove Street Arts and Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, Portland. There will be some self-touring, some tours with a docent or curatorial guides, and all trips will include a choice of curated lunch venues. This trip series ends with a follow-up presentation by students (with assignments given in advance) and group discussion time. Carpooling is encouraged. Our group will meet at Rose Hall, 22 Knowlton St., Camden, to start each trip and for the final presentation. There are no entry fees, but you will be responsible for your lunch.

Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Understanding Constitutional Carry and Legal Use of Force

with Alice Bean Andrenyak


April 15th, 2025

This three-hour course is for firearm owners and non-owners. You will learn what to do when you see an attack or if you are attacked and respond with force. You will learn how to contact the first responders, how prosecutors might view what you did, rules about concealed carry in the US and Maine, and various ways to protect yourself without using a firearm. Part 2 of a 2-part series but can be taken separately.

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Upcycling Furniture

with Angie Jones


May 5th to June 9th, 2025

Do you have a piece of furniture that you want to keep but need to update? Are you wondering whether you should strip off the old finish, paint, or do a combination of both? This class will cover those options. You will need to bring a small piece of furniture that you would like to transform. Pieces must be brought home and back each week. Angie will cover the basics of how to turn that outdated piece into something fabulous! You will need to bring your freshly scrubbed piece and some elbow grease! We will discuss supplies depending on what you want to accomplish. Class skips 5/26.
Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Upgrade Your Canoe and SUP Skills

with Alice Bean Andrenyak


April 12th, 2025

This one-day, on-water workshop covers canoeing and SUP skills that everyone ought to know but doesn't. Learn how to transport canoes and SUPs properly; how to launch and recover; strokes for tandem and solo canoe paddling and SUPing. Learn rescues, especially after capsizing. You will go swimming, so you are required to wear a wetsuit or drysuit to participate. Limited suit rentals are available with advanced notice. You must bring: your own lunch; canoe; paddle; life jacket; and enthusiasm. SUPs will be provided. Limited canoe rentals are available with advanced notice.