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Online Teaching Certificate

with William Draves and Dionne Felix

$495 More Info

For those new to teaching online, or those already teaching online. Get the best instruction from the foremost authorities in online learning. Thousands of people have taken this fundamental yet advanced training in teaching online. From building an online course to improving an online course, from fostering online discussion to encouraging student interaction, from traditional assessment to online tests, the program will give you both the fundamentals of teaching online, as well as the most advanced tips and techniques in the business. Your instructors are authors, speakers, and consultants in online learning and teaching.

CEUs/ILUs: 4.8

Length (in hours): 48

Price in USD $495

Offered 4 times/year, call for dates.

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Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Web Design Certificate

with Tonya Wright and Marcus Lander

$595 More Info

Online users say a website’s design is the number one criteria for deciding whether a company is credible or not, according to recent research. Understanding what it takes to produce effective web design is essential in today’s market of highly saturated digital competition.  First, discover the basics of web design using HTML and CSS. No prior knowledge of HTML or web design is required. After the first course, you will have the info you need to plan and design effective web pages.  Then find out how to create effective and dynamic websites/applications. Take away a functioning web application hosted on a web server that is both accessible and Search Engine Optimized.  Finally, learn about the responsive design process, advanced layout, and design features. Plus explore industry-standard technologies and frameworks. This Certificate must be taken in the following order:

- Introduction

- Intermediate

- Advanced

Offered 4 times/year, call for dates.

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Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Coding Certificate

with Jeff Kritzer and Andy Helmi

$595 More Info

Coding is becoming one of the most in-demand skills in the workplace today. As a result, coding has become a core skill that bolsters one’s chances of becoming a higher value to organizations. The highest demand is for programming languages with broad applicability. Begin by getting introduced to the basics of computer programming and various programming languages. Then go to the next level and acquire all the basics of HTML and CSS. You will learn the relationship between these two industry-standard web page coding languages and the step-by-step process of hand-coding and building web pages. Finally, discover the advanced features of CSS and learn how to use this very powerful language. Students must take the Coding Certificate classes in the below order:

- Introduction to Coding

- HTML Fundamentals

- CSS Fundamentals

CEUs/ILUs: 4.8

Length (in hours): 48

Price in USD $595

Offered 4 times/year, call for dates.

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Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Non-profits today need to be run like a business in many respects. You have competition, a need to generate income and a surplus, and staff need to be even more productive. Get the best training on revenue generation for nonprofits, and program evaluation for nonprofits, with our Certificate in NonProfit Administration.   You will come away with the latest best information from instructors who train people in nonprofits. 

CEUs/ILUs: 4.8

Length (in hours): 48

Price in USD $595

Offered 4 times/year, call for dates.

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Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Management Certificate

with Sally Klauss and Joyce Odidison

$595 More Info

Enhance your management skills through this program for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys to effectively managing your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations, engage and motivate employees, and increase your effectiveness.  

Then you will explore the principles of collaborative management and gain insight on how to expand your collaborative skills for the success of your team or organization.   

Finally, get the keys to managing different generations in your workplace. Discover what motivates each generation at work, what incentives they respond to, and what messages they value. 

CEUs/ILUs: 4.8

Length (in hours): 48

Offered 4 times/year, call for dates.


Online registration unavailable
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Digital Marketing Certificate

with Dan Belhassen and Susan Hurrell

$495 More Info

Come get a fundamental yet advanced introduction to eMarketing, including improving email promotions, analyzing your website traffic, doing search engine optimization, and how to successfully employ online advertising.

Relevant for any type of organization, including businesses, companies, non-profits, and government agencies.  No eMarketing experience or expertise is necessary.  If you are already at an advanced level, your instructors are experts and can provide the latest most advanced information and answer your toughest questions. 

CEUs/ILUs: 4.8

Length (in hours): 48

Offered 4 times/year, call for dates.

Online registration unavailable