Share your passion! We're looking for instructors for the following highly-requested topics: furniture refinishing, American Sign Language, ornamental welding, jewelry making, QuickBooks, astronomy, diesel engine repair, foreign languages, fiber arts, Excel, ethnic cooking, MahJong, contra-dancing, WordPress, web design, flower arranging. Contact us for more information.
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Doing basic internet searches on Safari is fairly straightforward. However, within Safari there are many options most of us never explore. Join us for five lessons that will unlock the secrets of Safari: options contained in the top menu, choices provided on the opening screen, tips for more efficient searching, possibilities hidden within the share feature, and a demo of why you want to click on the AA button. After completing the five lessons you will truly know the ins and out of Safari.

Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Create & Deliver Online Zoom Courses

with BoomerTECH Adventures

This course is designed for those who want to develop an online course using Zoom, a video conferencing platform. This guide consists of step-by-step videos that explain and demonstrate how to use Zoom as well as appropriate instructional tips to build an engaging online course in any subject. You will learn everything you need to know about Zoom—tools, settings, security, instructional strategies, building community, Zoom tips for instructors and students, and much more.

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Using your iPhone or iPad photo apps, this is a natural follow-up to the first course, but is a stand-alone course as well. The focus here is on editing images as well as knowing how to organize images and video on iPhones and iPads. Other areas of focus include using the "For You" section (ready-made slide shows), creating, using, and sharing albums, and search.

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Hidden Gems on Your iPhone & iPad

with BoomerTECH Adventures

Did you know…your iPhone tracks your movements? The keyboard has hidden keys? You can write and draw on your photographs? You can calculate in your search window? Our iPhones/iPads have infinite and time-saving features that allow you to be creative, efficient, and have fun. These “hidden gems” will show you how to learn advanced features of your iPhone and iPad.

Image uploaded by Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Introduction to iPhone Basics

with BoomerTECH Adventures

It is safe to say that the vast majority of iPhone users rarely use more than a fraction of the features available to them. In this course, students will learn to use their iPhones to the best possible advantage. Here are some of the critical features we'll cover: Apple ID and password; structure of the iPhone (buttons and how they work); best apps to have and how to get them; how to text, phone, FaceTime, and email; using the Control Center; mastering Settings; updating operating systems; using key apps; understanding the apps that come with your phone and more.

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Mac Basics Introduction

with BoomerTECH Adventures

In this course, students will learn how to make their Mac computer (laptop or desktop) hum! Areas of focus include: Mac features, choosing the best browser, using Spotlight Search, learning how to use the Finder and App Store, understanding the keyboard, and learning the icons that define a Mac computer. These are all essential elments that students will learn.