Share your passion! We're looking for instructors for the following highly-requested topics: furniture refinishing, American Sign Language, ornamental welding, jewelry making, QuickBooks, astronomy, diesel engine repair, foreign languages, fiber arts, Excel, ethnic cooking, MahJong, contra-dancing, WordPress, web design, flower arranging. Contact us for more information.
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Write and edit better starting today. Gain confidence in your writing. Improve your communication skills. This course will reinforce the rules you learned in school and teach you some you didn't.   

Good grammar doesn't make good writing, but good writing demands good grammar. Whether you're a student or a professional, a career changer or a job seeker, Effective Grammar will equip you to write more effectively from day one.   You'll learn it all—from grammar basics to more advanced concepts like parallelism and agreement to the finer points of capitalization and punctuation. After completing this certificate, you'll be a master of commas, complete sentences, common sense writing, and more.   

Put an end to grammar mistakes that detract from your work. The grammar knowledge you'll gain will contribute to whatever kind of writing you produce. Everything you learn will elevate your communication skills and help you present polished, professional writing every time.

CEUs/ILUs: 3.2

Length (in hours): 32

This is a two-month program with quarterly start dates.

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Chemistry with Lab

with Learning Center Staff

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Students who successfully complete this class will earn 1 high school credit. This course is appropriate for students prepping for college or completing an adult education diploma. If you have been away from science courses for a while, this course may prep you for rigorous college science classes. Course is free for students eligible to enroll in an Adult Education high school completion OR College Transitions program. Contact us for more information.

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Biology with Lab

with Learning Center Staff

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For any and all students who are prepping for Nursing or Medical Laboratory Technology admissions review, this is an excellent opportunity to meet the admissions “Biology with lab” prerequisite. If you have been away from science courses for a while, this course is recommended to prep you for rigorous college science classes. Students who successfully complete this class will earn 1 high school credit. Spring semester.

Registration closed
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Mathematics for College

with Peg Junge

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This class is for students who want to review math skills before taking a math placement test or enrolling in a college math course. The class provides one-on-one instruction where the instructor and student decide together on which type of math to work on. Some students may need to rebuild foundational math skills and concepts before moving on to more advanced math. Others may want to brush up on their Algebra skills. The class objectives will be decided during the registration process. Students may continue to meet with the instructor for tutoring help during their college mathematics course, if desired. This course has rolling admission and the day and time of meetings is flexible.

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College Transitions

with Peg Junge

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College Transitions are programs that allow a student who already possesses a high school diploma to brush up on skills in order to gain entrance into college. If you are having trouble passing college entrance exams, or the college has told you to take adult education classes to bring you up to entrance standards, you need the College Transitions program. There is NO fee for this program. We are working remotely over Zoom but also doing essential testing in-person and safely, with lots of support materials available.  Contact us today to get started!

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HiSET Preparation

with Brenda Hio-Hamdan

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HiSet is Maine’s general education development (GED) program. If you are an adult without a high school diploma, the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) program could be your route to improved career prospects, a college education and increased earnings potential. Adult diploma programs are central to the mission and tradition of Maine Adult Education. Get your diploma and be one step closer to achieving your life's goals! Our daytime learning center is open only by appointment due to Covid-19 restrictions, but we have an active tutoring program available via Zoom.  Email us or call our office to get started on your journey to a diploma or beyond!