Can find supplies at or or local art stores such as Huston-Tuttle in Rockland or Rockport Blueprint in Camden.
2B pencils
Paper towel
1-inch artist tape or masking tape
Arches Cold Press 140 – buy by the block or the sheet.
Cheaper paper will have issues when painting.
- Windsor Newton Watercolors suggested, other brands are welcome.
- Paint Palette / Large with a cover / Wells for colors on the sides and a large center for mixing colors is best.
- Colors – A variety to start:
- Alizarin Crimson
- Cadmium Red
- Cadmium Yellow
- Naples Yellow
- Cerulean Blue
- Prussian Blue
- Perylene Violet
- Payne’s Grey
Brushes / Synthetics are affordable Natural Brushes last longer
Flats / have a variety of sizes ½ inch to a 2 inch
Rounds / Have a variety of sizes
Maskoid / colorless
Flat Board to paint on – this is any kind of board which will support your paper while you paint, such as a wooden board or very heavy piece of cardboard. It also needs to be about the size of the paper or a little bigger, smooth, and not too heavy.