We are the Maine Department of Education sanctioned Adult and Career Education programs located in Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc Counties. We provide collaborative and seamless educational opportunities throughout our region. Rest assured, no matter where you are located, we are here to help you meet your career and educational goals. Call your local Adult Education Program.
- Belfast Adult Education
- 338-3197
- RSU #3 Adult Education, Thorndike
- 568-3426
- Five Town CSD Adult Education, Rockport/Camden
- 236-7800, option 5
- Mid-Coast School of Technology Adult Education
- 596-7752, ext 3
- RSU 13 Adult Education, Rockland
- 594-9764
- Midcoast Adult & Community Education (RSU #40 and #12), Waldoboro
- 832-5205
- Central Lincoln County Adult Education, Damariscotta
- 563-2811
- Boothbay Regional Adult Education
- 633-3224
- Merrymeeting Adult Education, Topsham/Brunswick/Bath
- 729-7323